1.The upper limit of registered capital of corporations where the registered capital system is accepted…………………………………………….TL

2. Payments to top managers such as chairman and members of The Board, general manager, general co-ordinator, assistants to general manager and general secretary;

a)Total amount of each type of advance and loan granted in the current period………………………..TL

b)The balance of advance or loan granted at the end of the period………………………………………..TL

3. Total amount of insurance on assets………..TL

4.Total amount of mortgages and other guarantees obtained for receivables………………TL

5.Total amount of mortgages and other guarantees given for liabilities…………………TL

6.Total amount of commitments which are not shown in liabilities………………………………….TL

7.Foreign currencies in cash and banks

Foreign Exchange Quantity Rate of exchange Total

TL Amount

………………………… ………… ……………………. …………….

8.Receivables from foreign countries(including advances)

Foreign Exchange Quantity Rate of exchange Total

TL Amount

………………………… ………… ……………………. …………….

9.Payables to foreign countries(including advances)

Foreign Exchange Quantity Rate of exchange Total

TL Amount

………………………… ………… ……………………. …………….

10.Amounts of bank guaranteed bonds and commercial papers in circulation…………………TL

11.Total amounts of investment allowances related to current and future periods……………..TL

12.Amounts of convertible bonds in circulation


13.List of share certificates which represent the

capital :

Type Order Number exponents Total Amount

…………. …… ……….. ……………….. ………………TL

14.Amount of share capital issued in current period………………………………………………………..TL

15.List of owners or shareholders who hold more than 10% of the capital:

Name Percentage of share Amount of share

………. ……………………………… ………………..TL

16.List of participations and subsidiaries owned more than %10 of their share capital:

Name Percentage of total amount of last period profit

Share share

………. …………………. ……………..TL ………….TL

17.Valuation Method of Inventory

a)Method used in current period………………………..

b)Method used in previous Period …………………….

c)If there is a change in valuation method of inventory, amount of increase(+) or decrease(-) on inventory resulting from such change…………….TL

18.Movements of fixed assets in current period

a)cost of fixed assets purchased , produced or constructed………………………………………………..TL

b)cost of fixed assets sold or written of………….TL

c) amount of revaluation increase in current period…………………………………………………………TL

-Increase in cost of assets(+)………………..TL

-Increase in accumulated depreciation(-)..TL

19. Trade receivables and trade payables from parent company , subsidiaries and participations

Trade receivable Trade Payable

1-Parent company ………………….. ………………….

2-Subsidiaries ………………….. …………………

3-Participations ………………….. ………………….

20. Average number of Personnel in current period…………………………………………………………….

21.Information about post-balance sheet events:

22.Information about material contingent loses and contingent gains which their amounts can not be estimated(The nature of legal conflicts which may effects the results for the period or incurred the business debt are stated in this section.)

23.Information about changes in accounting estimates and their monetary effects, those which have materially effect to gross profit ratios.

24.Amount of blocked deposits in banks……………


25.Amount of securities issued by shareholders, participations and subsidiaries and issuers of them……………………………………………….TL

26.Amount of non-paid up shares received from participations and subsidiaries due to capital increase realised from internal resources………. ………………………………………………………………….TL

27.Amount of unaccured liabilities of interests for future periods related to short and long- term credits and bonds payable(including redeemed shares) ……………………………………………………….TL

28.Amount of obligations granted such as guarantees, commitments, bailments, endorsements in favour of the shareholders, participations and subsidiaries ………………………TL

29.Other significant matters effecting to or making financial statements more clear, interpretable and understandable should be disclosed.

30.Approvel date of balance sheet.

