’daki makaleye göre 2014 ve daha sonraki yıllarını hedefleyen en iyi 5 yatırım aracından biri( 4. sırada) çeviri hizmetleri olarak belirlendi. Bu da globalleşen dünyada kaliteli çevirinin artık ne denli önemli olduğunun bir kanıtı bence. yazı şu şekilde devam ediyor:
“There are countless niches of technology, and though many of them might top the list, it’s crucial to narrow your focus if you’re thinking of starting your own company. Otherwise, you might get stuck with the equivalent of a Smart Car to take your family of four on a figurative cross-country road trip.
Here are some of the most promising industries for startups in 2014 and beyond. However, don’t let a list dictate such an important move. If you’re highly skilled and passionate about an industry that’s not popular, or (even better) you want to revolutionize or create a brand-new industry, follow your instincts. Consider this a guide to get your creative juices flowing.
1. Green Architecture
2. Health Foods
3. Mobile Health
4. Translation Services
There’s only so much Google Translate can do, and in an increasingly global community, it’s crucial that businesses be able to communicate with markets around the world. Proper translation is in high demand, and that need will only increase. Translation automation is a key, thriving industry, and there’s plenty of room for improvement and advancement in this field.
5. Apps

Derleyen: Senem Kobya
